I needed a practical, light but efficient little bag to tidy, carry and protect my embroidery works while travelling.

I ve spent a lot of time browsing on internet desperatly to find the perfect one. Lots of them where pretty big with tonns of complicated subdivisions and required the use of a million notions to make. I really couldn t make up my mind, when suddenly I thought of one of my favorite zipper pouch: the one I made using the Craftsy tutorial. I already made a post about it:


After all, it s a very solid, light but protective pouch and I already made more than 20 of them to give to friends or to keep. Of course for my 17cm embroidery hoop I needed more a square shape than a rectangle. I then simply changed the measurements of the 3 basic pieces of fabric and upgraded them to : 25 . 25 cm, 25 . 9 cm and 25 . 17 cm.

I had a very beautiful small piece of vintage fabric, I really loved it but didn t know what to sew out of it. It was too small for a bag, not appropriate for a headband and I wanted something that I would as well use a lot and keep for ever! And it was perfect for my embroidery travel bag! I also choose a nice vintage metal zipper.


How cool it is when the lining is almost as beautiful as the outside……

When I tidy my embroidery I just put the threads over the embroidery then fold the 4 sides of the fabric towards the right side of the embroidery and it s ready to go in my lovely zipper pouch!

I love it so much that I might make one for all the different sizes of embroidery hoop I possess!

I had a few little fabric left and will make an other zipper pouch, smaller and adding a little dyed linen to complete it as it s not enough for a whole pouch. Pictures coming soon!

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