The #summer #tattooedlady #totebag

Now available to #diy as an #embroiderykit #stepbystep in my #etsyshop

#vintagemadbym Doable by patient #embroiderybeginner too!#embroideryart #handembroidery #couture #broderie #bordado #saccabas



#seamstress #wwproblems I was carrying this ugly ziplock pouch with my threads for a while now for when I m doing #embroidery while in the transports or away from home and was feeling pretty ashamed for having such an ugly thing in my bag. Lazyness winning it all I really had to wait the moment when the bottom openned and I was gonna loose things to find a better option. I then decided to go for a gorgeous #vintagezipper in a #powderpink color with #ivory #silkorganza so I could see through which I find convenient. I aslo added some #couture#frenchseams ET VOILA! Pretty happy that good old plastic bag collapsed!👧🏻🤘🏻#sewing

BEFORE….. :(((

AFTER :)))



Here it is!

My first #ToteBag #embroiderykit. Love how it looks, beautiful but uncommun at the same time. Plus EVERYBODY CAN MAKE IT!

You can find it in my #etsyshop




I am really excited to announce that I just put my first PDF DOWNLOADABLE SEWING TUTORIAL on Etsy.


It is for my very favorite kind of zippered purse, the ones that are ALWAYS with me while on the road.

I just love these purses and made a few for myself or for friends.

These are so versatile and convenient to tidy your crafty materials, make up, papers, pencils…..

This tutorial took me a while to achieve, because it means, making a purse step by step, while taking a massive amount of pictures at each step and also trying to write down the explanations as clearly as possible.

I made my very best and hope you ll enjoy it.

It is of course suitable for the very beginners, even the ones scared by the thought of sewing a zipper in place!



SEWING WITH LEATHER! From a pile of leftovers to a handbag.

Last summer while having my stall as usual at the Brunswick Festival in Hove, I was selling a Vintage dress to a lovely woman who just found the perfect one to match a piece of leather she just bought minutes ago…..

That was such an amazing quality of lambskin and I immediatly fell in love with the colour and the cute silver dots. I was lucky enough to be told that there were a pile of these left, for sale , just 2 stalls away from mine, at the stall of my lovely neighbour Jo. I bought all that was left, not knowing for sure what I was gonna do with these. Jo told me she silk printed them herself but couldn t find the time to use them.

I decided to give a go and try to make the perfect sized handbag, with a lot of zippered pockets and a removable padded pouch for my Ipad mini.

Getting a bit of inspiration and measurements from a friend' s bag I pulled out the rotative cutter and looked for the vintage zippers I had in my stash.

It was also the first time I used the very handy hand press machine, so much more efficient than the hammer method.

Making a bag needs a lot of thinking and for me it was a first to do such a sophisticated one, so I made a bit of mistakes, but the result is ok. And I ve got all the pockets and places to tidy my survival kit while travelling.

And, cherry on the cake, I ve got enough leather left to make one or 2 zipper pouch like the one I use for my drawing tools.


Next step might be to sew a black quilted lambskin handbag, Chanel style!…..




Pour cette fin d’ année, je vous propose des bons pour des ateliers couture, à Strasbourg, à offrir ou à utiliser vous même.

Venez les mains dans les poches et repartez avec un joli objet ou accessoire fait main par vos soins!

N’ hésitez pas à me contacter pour plus de renseignements:


BON POUR UN ATELIER BIBI- HEADBAND STYLE RETRO ( parfait pour les fêtes): 25€ durée environ une heure, fournitures comprises.


BON POUR UN ATELIER POCHETTE ZIPPEE ( très pratique et jolie): 30€ durée environ 2 heures, fournitures comprises.


BON POUR UN SAC CABAS: 35€ durée environ 2 heures, fournitures comprises.


BON POUR UNE ROBE TRAPEZE: 60€ durée environ 3 heures, fournitures comprises. 40€ sans les fournitures.


BON POUR UN JUPON EN SATIN: 35€ durée environ 2 heures, fournitures comprises


BON POUR UN ATELIER INITIATION A LA BRODERIE: 25€ durée environ une heure, fournitures comprises.


BON POUR UN ATELIER NOEUD PAPILLON POUR DANDY DÉCALLÉ: 35€ durée environ 2 heures, fourniture comprises.


BON POUR UN ATELIER HEADBAND TURBAN FINITIONS COUTURE: 30€ durée environ 1heure 30, fournitures comprises.


From Tablecloth to 60′ s A-line dress

I ve been given 2 huge bin bags full of old tablecloth. I usually accept all kinds of vintage fabric, linen, curtains, etc… I know some of them can become very interesting to upcycle.

I ve made some of my favorite dresses from curtains.

I also decided I wanted to sew A-line dresses for my stall next summer at the Brunswick Festival in Hove. They are easy to do, suit and fit most of the people and are timeless.

I decided to give a go with these tablecloth, using an old ” pattern” I found 4 years ago in a tutorial from Elle magazine. It s a very simple pattern, 2 pieces of fabric, front darts at the bust and no closure. The pattern goes for facings around the neckline and armholes, but I decided to sew bias instead. I also rounded a bit the armholes.

In case you are interested to give it a go, here are the patterns, the measurments are in centimeters and DO NOT include the 1.5cm seam allowances.

For the first dress, I choose the fabric I liked less to check first if I liked this pattern.

I must admitt I m quite happy with the result and even made a coordinating Tote Bag for fun!

More A- line dresses to come soon!!!!





I needed a practical, light but efficient little bag to tidy, carry and protect my embroidery works while travelling.

I ve spent a lot of time browsing on internet desperatly to find the perfect one. Lots of them where pretty big with tonns of complicated subdivisions and required the use of a million notions to make. I really couldn t make up my mind, when suddenly I thought of one of my favorite zipper pouch: the one I made using the Craftsy tutorial. I already made a post about it:

After all, it s a very solid, light but protective pouch and I already made more than 20 of them to give to friends or to keep. Of course for my 17cm embroidery hoop I needed more a square shape than a rectangle. I then simply changed the measurements of the 3 basic pieces of fabric and upgraded them to : 25 . 25 cm, 25 . 9 cm and 25 . 17 cm.

I had a very beautiful small piece of vintage fabric, I really loved it but didn t know what to sew out of it. It was too small for a bag, not appropriate for a headband and I wanted something that I would as well use a lot and keep for ever! And it was perfect for my embroidery travel bag! I also choose a nice vintage metal zipper.


How cool it is when the lining is almost as beautiful as the outside……

When I tidy my embroidery I just put the threads over the embroidery then fold the 4 sides of the fabric towards the right side of the embroidery and it s ready to go in my lovely zipper pouch!

I love it so much that I might make one for all the different sizes of embroidery hoop I possess!

I had a few little fabric left and will make an other zipper pouch, smaller and adding a little dyed linen to complete it as it s not enough for a whole pouch. Pictures coming soon!


La rentrée étant là et l automne approchant, j' organise des ateliers de couture et broderie pour débutants, en petits groupes de 4 ( pour la couture) à 6 personnes ( pour la broderie).

Les ateliers ont lieu chez moi, à Strasbourg Robertsau les mercredis , jeudi et vendredi après- midi et soirées et dureront de 1h à 3h selon les objets réalisés. Les fournitures ainsi que l utilisation de machines à coudre et du matériel nécessaire seront incluses dans l atelier choisi.

Apprenez à réaliser d' originaux et uniques accessoires ( sacs, pochettes zippée, petits bibis,…) lors d' ateliers couture pour débutants, dans un cadre agréable et une ambiance sympa. Thé et petits gateaux servis!


Il y aura également des ateliers d initiation à la broderie, qui vous apprendront les points essentiels à connaitre en réalisant un joli sampler qui pourra vous servir de décoration. Ces bases vous permettront par la suite de customiser et personnaliser de nombreux objets.


L Atelier ” initiation à la broderie” aura pour but de vous apprendre les 10 points de broderie les plus utilisés tout en réalisant un sampler décoratif. L atelier durera 2 heures et est proposé au prix de 30€ ( 20€ pour l atelier et 10 € pour toutes les fournitures nécessaires).

Voilà le résultat! Vous pourrez choisir votre toile à broder parmis 3 couleurs:


Pour tout renseignements, n' hésitez pas à me contacter:

A bientôt!



My Nick Cave version of the Betsy Bag, tutorial from Para Noire.

This handbag pattern is an absolut must have.

I just love it, it s so versatile and you can use it in so many different ways ( i already made it in printed cotton, luxurious black velvet, vintage fabric from old curtains, and this time silk)

I wanted a special, small and light handbag to take with me for the Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds gigs I will attempt in a few weeks in the US.

I decided to personalize it with the name of their last record: Push the Sky Away and to embroider it in blue black sequins with gold thread .

Here is the result!


You will find the tutorial with the free pattern here: